Quick insights into your business
MF P&L Explain enables traders, head of markets, CROs and top management to have dedicated real-time total pictures over the operations covering all asset and liability classes, limit structures and P/L.
40+ KPIs of daily and periodic performances are readily available on customizable views and reports, helping executives and management obtain full and updated pictures of trading performances, at aggregated or detailed levels across asset classes and company organization.
MF P&L Explain consolidates a real-time and end-of-day trading position from multiple trading systems integrating the front-office analysis needed and control tasks into one single solution. provides automated interfacing capabilities with several parallel dealing systems and market data sources.
By leveraging on native MF Datawarehouse, all sort of historical analysis can be performed on P&L trends at single past date, for portfolio, position, trade and single P&L component, in conjunction with relevant reference and risk data.